This site was just for Cricket, in an attempt to collect in one place all the stories, ideas, and pictures I had. There are a lot of these things that got lost along the way.

I always found it ridiculous that someone would create a character that was omnipotent, and so I tried to keep Cricket as human as possible. I have done my best in character creation to let the stories define who and what she was. I am the one most surprised that she lived as long as she did. 

It is bitter sweet to put her away for good, but it was time. She rests, I hope, in peace.

I still give no permission for anyone to use Cricket or her tales in their own published works. Her stories and development were a collaboration of many minds and  not the product of any one source.

If you would like more information on free form role-play and what it is, please check out Dragon Mark. 



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